In December 2020, the European Council increased their regional CO2 reduction target figures for the year 2030 from 40% to 55% of 1990 levels.


As the leading CO2 polluters in Europe, coal-fired power plants are to have their coal replaced with renewable energy sources. However, this will take beyond 2030, since coal still accounts for ~35% of European power production.

The accelerated CO2 reduction schedule has also increased European CO2 emissions costs from €7/t in 2017 to €38/t in early 2021 and is expected to reach €100/t.

The higher CO2 prices are causing financial pressure for coal plant operators, necessitating state financial assistance and increasing use of lower cost but higher polluting lignite coal during the two decade energy transition.

There is an interim and pressing environmental and financial need to reduce lignite plant CO2 and other emissions, even during the decommissioning period over the next decade

G2 Can Reduce the CO2 Emissions AND Financial Losses of Lignite Plants During the Energy Transition

G2 has accrued years of experience in CleanCoal Technology Initiative (“CCTI”), including: several trade missions and reverse trade missions to host country power plant project sites and US Power Plant CCTI technology project site; well over 20 techno-economic project models assessed including two fuel studies.

G2 deploys its Coal Pretreatment Enhancement System (CPES) package for use in lignite coal power plants until such a future date that they are to be decommissioned – beneficial to the coal plant owner as they will continue to enjoy improved profits from continued use in the interim period.

The CPES package recycles coal-fired power plant waste heat through a proprietary process to pre-treat coal. This enhances its thermal energy, thereby improving energy efficiency and reducing both the amount of lignite coal required to operate the plant as well as the CO2 and other emissions produced by the power plant.

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